Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Have you reached a Dead End in your Marketing?

I was talking to the marketing department of a major UK company yesterday. They told me that they had just had one of those brainstorming meetings on how they can better promote their products and services to their business introducers.

Apparently they had come up with 150 'new' ideas for getting the attention of their key accounts, but still felt that they were missing something.

"We are a household name in the industry, but feel as though we have reached a dead end in terms of how we promote ourselves."

Naturally, I'm delighted that they decided to call me - but I wonder how many other successful businesses reach this point of not knowing quite what to do next. Is it poor leadership? Lack of a clear strategy or even the time of year? (Coincidentally, one of the weekly email newsletters I received this morning pondered how many of us might be starting to wind down as we hit the last few working weeks of the year.)

What do you do to keep the momentum going in your business? Are you constantly reviewing your marketing strategy or have you reached a dead end in terms of how you promote yourself?


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