Thursday, September 15, 2005

A good day increasing visibility

It's been a good day today.

No less than 15 business enquiries, plus another full day workshop in Singapore arranged.

I've also had a big article on Seminar Selling featured in European CEO Magazine. It's a heavyweight business magazine for - guess who - CEOs of larger corporates. I have also provided another article to Better Business Magazine.

Article writing is an important part of any business' promotional mix. It can be a little time consuming, but it's a sure fire way of getting your expertise seen by hundreds, if not thousands of people. I have an article this month in the Asia Pacific Financial Planning Journal, and this goes to 30,000 people.

I keep a list of Feature Editors within my target markets, and make the effort to 'butter them up' three or four times a year. That keeps you on their radar and makes them much more receptive when you offer them another article.

Tomorrow I'm off to Jersey to do a workshop. Looking forward to it as it's my first visit there.




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